ComplySci | website home page displayed on an Apple desktop computer | Devotion
571% increase in 'Get a Demo' conversions.
100% increase in Subscriber conversions.

A rebrand and repositioning of the ComplySci business and development of a new digital lead generation platform.


The COMPLY family of firms including ComplySci, RIA in a Box, NRS, and Illumis, provides comprehensive technology capabilities, expert consulting, and tailored continuing education resources to assist clients in elevating their compliance program standards. 

ComplySci, RIA in a Box, NRS, and Illumis operated as separate brands. However, Comply desired to unify them under a single umbrella brand called "Comply."

They embarked on a brand refresh project to create consistency among the companies, redefine their brands, and establish a prominent position in the industry. 

The challenge.

The portfolio of brands consisted of three very disparate brands and websites. COMPLY wished to relaunch refreshed ComplySci, RIA, and NRS websites along with an overarching Brand site that presented the full suite as comprehensive with complementary services. It also had to be scalable, bring the new brands to life, and to provide a seamless customer experience across the sites. 

They wished to expand their content offering, giving visitors a reason to return and reinforce the websites as demand generation engines with the goal to double monthly MQLs on each site. (A lead being someone who requested a demo or took a ‘significant action’ on the website.) 

In addition, they were working with a strategy agency, RDCL, in California, and a brand agency, M35, and Devotion in Australia, when they themselves were headquartered in NY but scattered across the Southwest and Eastern states.

ComplySci | Responsive website homepage on laptop, tablet, and smartphone | Devotion

The solution.

Services performed:

  • UX research and design
  • UI design
  • Technical architecture and development
  • Ongoing support and performance optimisation

Learn more in:

The results.

Data compares 2 months post launch with one year prior to launch (01 Jun 2022 - 31 Jul 2022) for RIAB. Leads defined as contacts who submitted a Demo Request on the RIAB website.
571% increase in Get a Demo conversions.
100% increase in Subscription conversions.
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on a tablet in two formats | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on two tablets in portrait mode | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on three Apple smartphones | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on a tablet | Devotion
ComplySci | COMPLY website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
ComplySci RIA in a Box | RIA website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
ComplySci NRS | NRS website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
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