ComplySci | website home page displayed on an Apple desktop computer | Devotion
571% increase in 'Get a Demo' conversions.
100% increase in Subscriber conversions.

A rebrand and repositioning of the ComplySci business and development of a new digital lead generation platform.


The challenge.

ComplySci | Responsive website homepage on laptop, tablet, and smartphone | Devotion

The solution.

Services performed:

  • UX research and design
  • UI design
  • Technical architecture and development
  • Ongoing support and performance optimisation

Learn more in:

The results.

Data compares 2 months post launch with one year prior to launch (01 Jun 2022 - 31 Jul 2022) for RIAB. Leads defined as contacts who submitted a Demo Request on the RIAB website.
571% increase in Get a Demo conversions.
100% increase in Subscription conversions.
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on a tablet in two formats | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on two tablets in portrait mode | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on three Apple smartphones | Devotion
ComplySci | Responsive website shown on a tablet | Devotion
ComplySci | COMPLY website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
ComplySci RIA in a Box | RIA website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
ComplySci NRS | NRS website homepage on laptop and smartphone | Devotion
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