LGT Crestone | LGT Crestone website homepage shown on a laptop | Devotion
550% increase in conversions.
93% increase in leads.

A new digital presence for LGT Crestone, one of the largest family-owned wealth management firms in the world.

LGT Crestone.

The challenge.

LGT Crestone | Responsive LGT Crestone website on laptop and smartphone | Devotion

The solution.

Services performed:

  • UX research and design
  • UI design
  • Kentico consulting and specification
  • Technical architecture and development
  • Ongoing support and optimisation

The results.

Data compares the November 2023 (post launch) with November 2022.
550% increase in conversions.
93% increase in leads.
LGT Crestone | Responsive LGT Crestone website shown across a series of tablets | Devotion
LGT Crestone | LGT Crestone website shown on a tablet with a smaller version showing the full website | Devotion
LGT Crestone | LGT Crestone website shown on three smartphones | Devotion
LGT Crestone | LGT Crestone website shown on a portrait-oriented tablet with LGT Crestone imagery shown in the background | Devotion
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