We keep digital strategy simple. Whether a complete digital transformation or a strategic customer journey, we ensure that recommendations are actionable, accountable and data-led.
Creative & Managing Director
Strategy Q&A with Andrew Whitehead
My business is both B2B and B2C - do you offer strategies that cover both?
Absolutely. We work with a diverse range of B2B and B2C businesses across a variety of industries, both domestically and internationally. Our strategic methodology for B2B and B2C remains the same, with a focus shift for the audience and business process.
What kinds of digital strategies do you offer?
Our strategies range from full digital transformation, to growth strategy, content strategy, search strategy, and social strategy. These can be done as standalone projects or incorporated into projects that include execution and various forms of ongoing engagement.
What's the difference between a business strategy and digital strategy?
Typically, a digital strategy looks for ways to use technology to deliver business outcomes. These may include audience acquisition, the streamlining of processes, or the generation of sales. Each business is different and the motivations and strategic inclusions will vary accordingly.
The digital strategy is not distinct from the business’ overall strategy, but should rather be a specific component of it. There will be other strategies that a business has that sit alongside the digital strategy, which all feed into delivering against the overarching business strategy.
What's included in a digital marketing strategy?
A digital marketing strategy outlines how a business can use a series of activities across multiple channels to achieve defined goals. Devotion’s digital marketing strategies are designed to be scalable, to ensure that everything that is delivered scales accordingly and continues to achieve the defined goals. There’s nothing worse than having to constantly revisit the strategy and realign it to the business because it failed to scale in line with expectation.
How does Devotion do strategy remotely?
Being remote hasn’t changed anything. We still run workshops using best-of-breed video conferencing tools, we conduct interviews with end customers and stakeholders, we do questionnaires, and we talk to people. What’s changed is that we no longer run workshops in big rooms, have lunch breaks, and spend time travelling. The outcome remains the same. A simple and executable strategy based on insight and defined need.
By keeping a strategy simple, are you dumbing it down?
Absolutely not. The challenge that many businesses face is when presented with a strategy, it’s so complex and overwhelming, that it never gets executed. At times it never even gets started. Our strategies on the other hand are simple, but not dumb. They deliver a defined roadmap to achieve success. They are insight-driven, grounded in data, and customer-centric, meaning every recommendation made is responding to a need.