Spirits Platform | Spirits Platform website homepage shown on a laptop | Devotion
27% increase in portfolio downloads.
8% increase in industry leads.
4% increase in consumer leads.

A rearchitected and redesigned digital platform that delivers an inspiring and educative experience for the B2B and B2C audiences.

Spirits Platform.

The challenge.

Spirits Platform | Responsive Spirits Platform website shown on a laptop, tablet, and smartphone | Devotion

The solution.

Services performed:

  • UX research and design
  • UI design
  • Wordpress consulting and specification
  • Technical architecture and development
  • Ongoing support and optimisation
  • Digital marketing including SEO, PPC, and social

The results.

Data compares organic traffic during the period of 30 September 2021 - 30 September 2022 in comparison to the same period the year prior (29 September 2020 – 29 September 2021)
27% increase in portfolio downloads.
8% increase in industry leads.
4% increase in consumer leads.
15% increase in session commencement from product pages.
Spirits Platform | Spirits Platform website shown on a series of smartphones | Devotion
Spirits Platform | Spirits Platform website shown on a tablet | Devotion
Spirits Platform | Spirits Platform website shown on a series of tablets | Devotion
Spirits Platform | Responsive Spirits Platform website shown on a tablet with imagery from the Spirits Platform catalogue shown in the background | Devotion
Need help with a B2B and B2C digital offering for your customers?
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